Guibao, one of the first companies to be listed on the ChiNext board and committed to tech


GuiBao Technology, is the leader of the domestic silicone new material industry, is a national hightech enterprise, with 205 international national patents. Silicone is widely used in building curtain wall, rail transit, automobile manufacturing, 5G communication and many other fields, and is one of the key new material industries developed in the national "13th Five-Year Plan". In the field of construction, Sibao's products have been applied in many landmark buildings such as Bird's Nest, Beijing Daxing Airport, Chengdu Global Center, etc., and are "China's well-known trademarks" and are building "international well-known brands of silicone materials".

In October 2009, GuiBao Technology became one of the first listed companies on the Growth Enterprise Market. Since then, the help of the capital market has inserted wings for the leapfrog development of Sibao. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of China's capital market, please listen to Chengdu Economic Radio reporter Chen Lu talk to Wang Youzhi, chairman of Guibao Technology - "The first batch of listings on the ChiNext Market, GuiBao Technology that adheres to scientific and technological innovation is like a tiger with wings".

Chengdu Economic Broadcasting reporter Chen Lu interviewed Wang Youzhi, chairman of Silicon GuiBao Technology

Reporter: If you look back now, when you were just listed or when you were preparing to go public, how did you feel at that time? And were there any special events at that time?

Wang Youzhi: It should be said that we are relatively lucky to catch up with the tide of national reform and opening up, the opening up of the capital market, the opening up of private enterprises, and the ChiNext board. At that time, the ChiNext board was ten years to sharpen a sword, planning for ten years, and then opened the board in 09, and when the country was brewing to open the board in early 08, all provinces and cities screened some enterprises with better development and faster growth. Sichuan Province cultivated 50 enterprises at that time, among these 50 enterprises we are relatively low in the ranking, because the volume is relatively small, but through round after round of screening, we have become the first in Sichuan Province, but also become the first in China's new material industry, what is the reason? That is, we are more self-disciplined in the development process, and the development process is more standardized. In the process of development, there are no major violations or stains in land construction, tax employment and daily operation and management, so the process of reporting information is relatively smooth. The second is that we are writing the prospectus listing, and we are writing these things ourselves. We may have spent a month or two, working overtime every night, almost all overnight to do it ourselves, not like many listed companies now, things are handed over to third parties, handed over to intermediaries to do, told to others, let others become words, we write them word by word, this is the second. The third point that I am still impressed by is that at the stage of the CSRC's review, it was proposed that you have related party transactions. At that time, I also had a company in Hangzhou as a shareholder called Hangzhou Guibao, so if Hangzhou Sibao can withdraw from it, it will be faster to review, and some related party transactions will be reduced. I went to Hangzhou on the same day, and then held a shareholders' meeting of the board of directors overnight and withdrew from Hangzhou Guibao. The next morning, I went to their local industrial and commercial bureau to apply for the change of industrial and commercial business license, and ran back to Beijing that afternoon, basically completing this matter in one day.

Reporter: GuiBao was founded with only 8 people in the company, and then it has grown to its current size and volume. In your opinion, after the listing of Guibao, what role does the capital market play in its development and growth?

Wang Youzhi: The capital market is at least the first to solve corporate financing, and after it becomes direct financing, the financing cost is much lower, at least in terms of financing, whether it is the enterprise leader or the founder of the enterprise more energy. The second capital market after listing has more tools, bond issuance, debt financing, fixed increase, it actually gives you a lot of tools, when you want to do in the process of development, it has tools for you to use, the company can develop rapidly, after the listing we quickly developed from the top few in the industry to the absolute leader of the industry. Therefore, it has to be said that with the help of the power of the capital market, it is equivalent to the effect of adding wings to the tiger. The other is that in terms of attracting talents, establishing various platforms, the market gives a positive image is very good. For example, if I recruit a Ph.D. or attract some talent, you are a listed platform and an unlisted platform, which is different.

Reporter: GuiBao has not been developed to this day, in fact, it has not been long, but we have seen fruitful results, can you introduce to all of us, what are some of the achievements that GuiBao has achieved so far?

Wang Youzhi: At the national level, we are the only national enterprise technology center in the subdivided industry, which is the highest platform for industry innovation by the country. In addition, we have won the honorary title of Innovation Demonstration Enterprise jointly awarded by several ministries and commissions of the state. Of course, the local government has some supporting support, and has also won the prefabricated building demonstration base given by the Ministry of Construction, which is the honor of the company given on the national platform. In the province, there are more, we are Sichuan Province for three consecutive times Sichuan Province excellent private enterprises, which is also a high honor for us. In other aspects, such as scientific and technological innovation, we have won the first prize of scientific and technological progress at the provincial and ministerial level twice, and also won the national patent award. This is a big evaluation of innovation. In the industry, we are leading the national 13th Five-Year Key R&D plan project, and then leading the completion of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's industrial foundation project and so on.

Reporter: Speaking of the part of scientific and technological innovation, from the listing to the present, or we counted from the time of the first 98 years, 22 years, how did you stick to some ideas in this regard?

Wang Youzhi: Innovation has a high cost, it is a continuous investment, it even has great risks, innovation may not be successful, some things with input but no output are also very common in technological innovation. However, innovation is also an enterprise, a truly good enterprise, at least the core driving force for the development of high-tech enterprises. General Secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out four faces at the symposium of scientists, innovation must face the major needs of the country, face the world's scientific and technological frontiers, face the main economic battlefield, and face people's lives and health. Then, as an enterprise, innovation is to face the main battlefield of the economy, especially high-tech enterprises. In the face of the main economic battlefield, in fact, the goal of your innovation is to serve your customers, serve the market, and come from the market. They come from the market, from the customer's needs, then the goal is very clear. Therefore, our general subjects, in addition to the national key R&D projects of the national and provincial and municipal governments, are to face the major needs of the country, most of our R&D projects are mainly to face the needs of customers, face the market, or come from the object, from the market. In fact, I think innovation is difficult to say, simple and simple, you have continuous investment, there is the guarantee of the talent team, there is a good incentive or guarantee system, then innovation will continue to do.

Reporter: On the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the new Chinese capital market, what kind of message do you want to share with all of us?

Wang Youzhi: The opening of the capital market is actually a great driving force for economic development, and the healthy development of the capital market is also one of the main engines of future economic development. I think the capital market is an indispensable and important driver for economic construction, whether it is our manufacturing industry or other industries. Although there are some problems in the capital market in the process of development, on the whole, the capital market is getting better and better, and it is also developing in a better and more mature direction. In the past 30 years, the capital market should be said to be one of the most important driving forces of China's economic development, especially for our enterprises. I hope that the capital market will develop more and more mature in the future, we should strengthen our confidence in the capital market, especially the confidence of the people to participate in the capital market, everyone should also benefit from the capital market, especially the shareholders, in the future, China's capital market will develop well, China's economy will also develop better.
